Sidan senast uppdaterad 2007-09-30 | GLBTQ-litteratur 1920-1930 Hur är denna bibliografi sammanställd? How has this bibliography been put together? |
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Frank, Waldo David (1889-1967), The Dark Mother, New York, 1920 1920 Quorum, The : a magazine of Friendship, Asphodel editions: London, 1920 1920 Wahlström, Lydia (1869-1954), Sin fars dotter : roman, Stockholm, 1920 1921 Blüher, Hans (1888-1955), Die Rolle der Erotik in der männlichen Gesellschaft, Jena, 1921 1922 Bang, Herman, (1857-1912), Gedanken zum Sexualitätsproblem, Bonn, 1922 1922 Hiller, Kurt (1885-1972), [Paragraph] 175, die Schmach des Jahrhunderts!, Hannover : Steegemann, 1922. 1922 Krusenstjerna, Agnes von (1894-1940) Tony växer upp, Stockholm, 1922 1922 Larsen, Karl, Daniel Daniela : ur en korsbärares dagbok av x x x, övers. från tyskan av A.S., Stockholm, 1922 1922 Margueritte, Victor (1866-1942), La Garçonne : roman, Paris, 1922 1922 Monteiro, Arlindo Camilo, Amor sáfico e socrático : estudo medico-forense, Lisboa: O Autor, 1922. 1922 Nilsson, Torsten, Främlingslegionär i tre och ett halvt år, Göteborg, 1922 1922 Stekel, Wilhelm (1868-1940), Bi-sexual love; the homosexual neurosis, (Authorized translation by James S. Van Teslaar), Boston, R. G. Badger [1922] 1922 Söderhjelm, Alma (1870-1949), Kärlekens väninna, Stockholm, 1922 1922 Werther, Ralph (Jennie June, "Earl Lind", pseud. f. 1874), The female-impersonators : a sequel to the Autobiography of an androgyne and an account of some of the author’s experiences during his six years’ career as instinctive female-impersonator in New York’s underworld ..., author also of The riddle of the underworld, ed., with an introduction, by Alfred W. Herzog, New York, The Medico-Legal journal, 1922 1923 Brandes, Georg (1842-1927), Michelangelo, (övers. av Hj, Öhrvall), Stockholm, 1923 (Danska orig., 1921, 2 vol.) 1923 Sackville-West, V. (Victoria, 1892-1962), Challenge, 1923 1923 Stekel, Wilhelm, Onanie und Homosexualität : die homosexuelle Parapathie, (Dritte, verb. und verm. Aufl.), Berlin ; Wien, 1923 1923 Söderhjelm, Alma (1870-1949), Den flygande holländaren, Stockholm, 1923 1924 Charles-Étienne (pseud.), Notre-Dame de Lesbos : roman de mœurs, Paris, Librairie des lettres 1924 (flera utgåvor under olika år!) 1924 Krusenstjerna, Agnes von (1894-1940), Tonys läroår, Stockholm, 1924 1924 Sandel, Maria (1870-1927), Droppar i folkhavet, Stockholm, 1924 1924 Smirnoff, Karin (1880-1973), Ödesmärkt, Stockholm, 1924 1924 Gide, André (1869-1951), Corydon, Paris, 1924 (Utkom i begränsad upplaga 1911 ffg) 1925 Crane, Clarkson (1894-1971), The Western Shore, New York, 1925 1925 Diderot, Denis (1713-1784), Nunnan : skuggbilder ur franskt klosterliv omkring 1750-1760. Övers. och inl. av David Sprengel, Stockholm, 1925 (Fr. orig. 1796) 1925 Fielding, William J. (William John) (f. 1886), Homo-sexual life, Girard, Kan. : Haldeman-Julius Co., c1925 1925 Licht, Hans (1875-1929, pseud. f. Paul Brandt), Sittengeschichte Griechenlands : Bd 1. Die griechische Gesellschaft, Dresden [u.a.] : Aretz, [1925] 1925 Mann, Klaus (1906-1949), Der fromme Tanz : das Abenteuerbuch einer Jugend, Hamburg, 1925 1925 Mieli, Aldo (1879-1950), L'amore omosessuale, Roma, ca 1925 1925 Stiernstedt, Marika, (1875-1954), Fröken Liwin : roman, Stockholm, 1925 1925 Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), Mrs Dalloway, London, 1925 1926 Coward, Noel (1899-1973), [Ritz bar ] Semi-monde, [Ny utg. London : Methuen, 2002?], Orig. publ. as: Ritz bar. S.l. : s.n., 1926. 1926 Krusenstjerna, Agnes von (1894-1940), Tonys sista läroår, Stockholm, 1926 1926 Lacretelle, Jacques de (1888-1985), Marie Bonifas, Stockholm, 1926 1926 Licht, Hans (1875-1929, pseud. f. Paul Brand), Sittengeschichte Griechenlands : Bd 2. Das Liebesleben der Griechen, Dresden : Aretz, [1926] 1926 Mackay, John Henry (1864-1933, pseud. Sagitta), Der Puppenjunge, 1926 1927 Aldington, Richard (1892-1962), Lawrence of Arabia : an indiscretion, Seattle, 1927 1927 Lehmann, Rosamond (f. 1901), Dusty answer, New York, 1927 1927 Mackenzie, Compton (1883-1972), Vestal fire, New York, 1927 1927 Porché, François (1877-1944), L'amour qui n'ose pas dire son nom, Paris, 1927 1927 R., A. L., A Tale of Pausanian Love, by A. L. R. [i.e. Arthur Lyon Raile, pseud. f. Edward Perry Warren (1860-1928)], Cayme Press: London, 1927 1927 Siemsen, Hans (1891-1969), Verbotene Liebe : Briefe eines Unbekannten, Berlin: Schmiede, 1927 1927 Sudermann, Hermann (1857-1928), Åtrå, (oförkortad övers. Ejnar Neymark, orig. Es war, 1894), Malmö, 1927 (Boken är förlaga till filmen Flesh and the devil med Greta Garbo och John Gilbert (1926) - en Jules et Jim för tjugutalet!) 1927 Warner, Sylvia Townsend (f. 1893), Mr Fortune's Maggot, New York, 1927 1927 Zweig, Stefan (1881-1942), Verwirrung der Gefühle, Leipzig, 1927 1928 Almqvist, Gertrud (f. 1875), I tolfte timmen, Stockholm, 1928 1928 Bulliet, Clarence Joseph (f. 1883), Venus Castina : famous female impersonators, celestial and human, (with illustrations by Alexander King), New York : Covici, Friede, 1928 1928 Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963), Le livre blanc, Paris (?), 1928 1928 Gadelius, Bror (1862-1938), Det mänskliga själslivet : i belysning av sinnessjukläkarens erfarenhet. D. 2, Grundlinjer till en allmän psykiatri, (2:a rev. uppl., 1:a uppl. 1921), Stockholm : Geber, 1921 1928 Hall, Radclyffe (1880-1943), The well of loneliness, Stockholm, 1928 1928 Kurten, Bertil, Fem år i främlingslegionen, Helsingfors, 1928 1928 Licht, Hans (1875-1929, pseud. f. Paul Brandt), Sittengeschichte Griechenlands : Die Erotik in der griechischen Kunst : Ergänzungen zu Band I und Band II, Dresden [u.a.] : Aretz, [1928] 1928 Mackenzie, Compton (1883-1972), Extraordinary Women, London, 1927 1928 Mead, Margaret (1901-1978), Coming of Age in Samoa : a Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation, New York: Morrow, 1928 1928 Milton, Ernest (f. 1890), To kiss the Crocodile : a story, New York, 1928 1928 Raile, Arthur Lyon [pseud. f. Edward Perry Warren (1860-1928)], A Defence of Uranian Love, 3 vol., Privately printed: London, 1928 1928 Svanberg, Viktor (1896-1985), Novantiken i Den siste Athenaren : en genetisk studie, Uppsala, 1928 1928 Symonds, John Addington (1840-1893), Studies in sexual inversion : embodying A study in Greek ethics and A study in modern ethics, [Ny utg. New York : AMS Press, 1975, repr. of the privately pr. ed. of] 1928 1928 Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), Orlando : a Biography, London, 1928 1929 Brinig, Myron (1897-1991), Singermann, New York, 1929 1929 Collins, Joseph (1866-1950), The doctor looks at love and life, Garden City, N.Y. : Garden City Publishing Co, c1929 1929 Davis, Katharine Bement (1860-1935), Factors in the sex life of twenty-two hundred women, New York and London, 1929 1929 Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), A room of one's own, London, 1929
![]() Corydon av André Gide The Quorum : a magazine for Friendship Nyutgåva 2001 med introduktion av Timothy D'Arch Smith |